Balloon Certification Program

At Tilco Balloons, we are committed to providing the highest quality balloon products and services. As part of our mission, we offer a comprehensive balloon certification program designed to equip professionals with the skills and knowledge needed to become certified balloon experts.

What do I need to get the certification?

To achieve this, it is important to know the different types of balloons available, their characteristics, how to inflate and manipulate them safely, as well as keep up with the latest trends and styles in balloon decoration.
You also need practical skills to design and create customized and complex balloon arrangements, offer delivery and assembly services for special events, and have a deep understanding of the materials used in balloon manufacturing and how to select the best ones for each project.

What does the certification cover?

Our balloon certification program covers all aspects of balloon safety, design, and techniques. Our team of experienced professionals will guide you through the certification process, providing hands-on training and support every step of the way.
With our balloon certification, you'll gain the skills and knowledge needed to create stunning balloon decorations and installations for any event. Whether you're a professional event planner, decorator, or simply looking to expand your skills, our balloon certification program is the perfect choice.
Our program covers a range of topics, including:
  • Balloon safety and handling
  • Balloon design and decoration
  • Balloon twisting and sculpting
  • Advanced balloon techniques
  • Biodegradable balloon industries


Register and get your certification

The Tilco Balloons Expert certification is awarded by Tilco Balloons, a leading company in the manufacturing and sale of high-quality and environmentally-friendly balloons. All our balloons are 100% natural latex and biodegradable.
With this certification, you will not only demonstrate your skills and knowledge in balloon decoration or handling, but also convey the values and quality of the products we offer at Tilco Balloons.


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